„Połączenie sił to początek, pozostanie razem to postęp, wspólna praca to sukces.”
Henry Ford

It is with great pride that we look at the success of people who not long ago took their first steps in logistics, and today are professionals at their jobs.
JIT Logistik is about people, it is a community that does not only comprise employees, but also their relatives, families, customers and partners. We have the pleasure to see our community constantly growing, thus there are more and more of us – JITlovers.
On the road, at a Customer’s, behind a desk in the office, those more and less experienced, all of them make up a monolith, a collective ready to carry out the most difficult transport order, ready to advise a Customer on customs clearance, to help a colleague with everyday activities.

JIT Logistik is a team of experts whom we present with the opportunity to develop and fulfil professional ambitions.
It is thanks to specific people and their commitment that we have managed to gain an established position in the TSL market. Together we can fight for more markets and look to the future, adapting processes to the changing world.